Henry Isaacs

Maine artist Henry Isaacs paints with energy, passion, and self-assurance. His style—broken brushwork and a palette of delicate blues, greens, pinks, and yellows—marks him as one of the most recognizable artists painting in Maine today. In person, Isaacs is as engaging an individual as you will ever meet. He is both worldly and down to earth, both witty and self-effacing, generous with his time, and passionate about the dangers of the art world’s becoming overly commercialized.


Isaacs has had a varied and impressive education, including the Slade School of Art in London, the Rhode Island School of Design, and the Putney School in Vermont.  Isaacs’ teaching career is even more impressive and varied, with stints teaching anatomical drawing at Dartmouth, drawing and painting at the Massachusetts College of Art, and drawing at several European colleges.

Freelance writer, and Portland Newspapers arts reviewer, Dan Kany uses high praise to describe Isaacs’ technique: “Isaacs’ approach to color is based in balancing warm and cool tones. He does this brilliantly with his ubiquitous whites and neutrals, and with his brighter colors as well. Like the French Impressionists, he doesn’t use black. [Isaacs’] handling of paint owes an unapologetic debt to the chunky boldness of the early 20th century Modernists and Fauves. The brushwork is strong, but primarily dedicated to the job of pushing paint around the canvas—an activity Isaacs clearly enjoys.”


Frenchman's Bay
Oil on canvas, 30x40"
Cove at Vinalhaven, Maine
Oil on canvas, 24x30"
At Lane's Island, Vinalhaven
Oil on canvas, 24x30"
Cove at Cape Elizabeth
Oil on canvas, 24x24"
Clearing Skies
Oil on canvas, 24x18"
Penobscot Bay from Little Deer Isle
Oil on canvas, 36x24"
Squirrel Island (Maine)
Oil on canvas, 20x24"
Late Afternoon, Boothbay Harbor
Oil on canvas, 24x30"
Rowing on the Charles River
Oil on canvas, 24x30"
View from Peter's, Cousin's Island
oil on canvas, 16x16"
Heavenly Pond, Whitefield
oil on canvas, 24x30"
Windy April Day, Boothbay Harbor
30 x 40 inches
Beach at Cumberland Foreside
Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches
Off Cumberland Foreside
Oil on canvas, 12x16 inches
Nantucket Harbor
Oil on canvas, 40x60"
View from Two Lights, Cape Elizabeth
Oil on canvas, 30x30"
Sailing Off the Eastern Prom, Peaks Island
Oil on canvas, 30x30"
Stinson Beach (from the North)
Oil on canvas, 30x40"
September Boats, Boothbay Harbor
Oil on canvas, 24x30"
Cannon Mountain, Franconia NH
Oil on canvas, 24x36"
Above Camden Harbor
Oil on linen, 24x24"
Popham Beach, Maine
Oil on canvas, 24x30 inches
Nubble Light, York ME
Oil on canvas, 20x20 inches
Standing Pond, Sharon VT.
Oil on canvas, 20x16
Cherry Walk, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
Oil on linen, 18x18 inches
Walking the Dog in the Vale of Cashmere, Prospect
oil on canvas, 48x36"
Walking the Dog, Vale of Cashmere, Brooklyn NY
Oil on canvas, 12x10"
December Picnic, Tudor City
Oil on canvas, 14x11"
Late Autumn, Back River
Oil on canvas, 24x18"
Near the Anisquam River
Oil, 24x30"
Ovens Mouth, Back River, Maine
Oil, 20x24"
Merrimac River at Amesbury II
Oil, 20x24"
River I
Oil, 18x24"
View to Birch Island, Cape Elizabeth
Oil on canvas, 18x24"
Stinson Beach
Oil, 16x20"
Along the Back River, Boothbay, Maine
Oil, 18x18"
Marsh Cove I
oil on canvas, 18x18"
Arriving at the Base Camp, Ama Dablam
oil on canvas, 36x48"
At the Base Camp, Ama Dablam
oil on linen, 36x48"
Autumn Farm, Virginia
Oil, 14x18"
Oil on canvas, 12x9"
Bright Day
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
Cafe Regular, Brooklyn NY
Oil on board, 6x6"
Afternoon, Pangboche Nepal
oil on canvas, 4x4"
Deering Oaks Park II
oil on canvas, 8x8"
Dock of the Bay (Boothbay Harbor)
oil on canvas, 10x10"
Harbor Full of Boats, Boothbay Harbor
oil on canvas, 4x4"
Lake Champlain at Burlington
oil on canvas, 11x14"
Ompompanoosuc River
oil on canvas, 12x12"
Pete and John go Fishing
oil on canvas, 12x12"
Spring, Mount Desert Island
oil on canvas, 10x10"
View Over Chilmark Pond, Martha's Vinyard
oil canvas, 16x16"
Sailing Off Otter Creek
oil on canvas, 14x16"
Back Cove, Portland Maine
oil on canvas, 20x16"
Clamming, Martha's Vinyard
oil on canvas, 12x36"